HomeEducationFirst-year Queen's student calls $2,000 fine "undeserved"

First-year Queen’s student calls $2,000 fine “undeserved”

A first-year student at Queen’s University plans to appeal a $2,000 nuisance bylaw ticket, calling the preceding police action “undeserved” and “unwarranted.”

“On Friday, September 24, I officially turned 18,” Will Wu wrote on a GoFundMe earlier this weekend. “I’m someone who never drinks or parties, but my friends encouraged me to at least go out and meet new people (without drinking).”

According to Wu, he and his friends walked up a quiet street and came across a small gathering outdoors. They were invited in, and upon realizing that the house was “filled with people,” immediately attempted to leave, at which point police officers had arrived and blocked the entrances.

“They fined everyone, including myself, $2000 for ‘conducting a nuisance party’, which was not the case at all.” Wu wrote.

Wu admits that what he did wasn’t “the brightest move,” but he believes a $2,000 penalty is unwarranted.

Wu is now pleading for community assistance to pay off the fine.

“I’m currently going into debt in hopes to pursue a good career in order to repay my parents for all they’ve done for me, and this would shatter their hearts,” Wu wrote. 

He is now requesting a review of the ticket, which is permitted by the City of Kingston.

”I believe my penalty was unreasonable and deserves a proper review from the city of Kingston,” Wu told YGK News. 

Kingston Police say that the step-up in law enforcement is the result of increased “belligerent, non-compliant, aggressive and even assaultive behaviour” towards officers.  

The City of Kingston says that “recent large street parties not only violate many laws, bylaws and social gathering limits imposed by the Province, but also pose a dangerous health risk to the community during COVID-19 pandemic.”  

There is now a $1,500 increase in fines from $500, Kingston Police are no longer required to provide warning notices, and city officials can disclose the name of charged individuals upon request. 

Under Ontario’s pandemic regulations, outdoor gatherings are limited to 100 people and indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people.

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