HomeUncategorizedCouncil delays decision to move forward with controversial development

Council delays decision to move forward with controversial development

The decision to move forward with the development at 4085, 4091 and 4097 Bath Rd. has been delayed.

Prior to Tuesday’s council meeting, environmental advocates in Kingston were calling for council to delay the decision to move forward with this development near Collins Creek, raising concerns with the impact on the surrounding forest and wildlife.

When the motion came before council, Coun. Conny Glenn asked that the development be singled out for discussion.

In addition to environmental concerns, Glenn also pointed out the pressure this would put on the already congested roads in the area, and the affordability of the units proposed, calling it a “sprawling development” and “clearly not affordable housing.”

Coun. Lisa Osanic put forward the motion to defer in order to allow time for a scoped environmental assessment.

While councilors were divided between environmental stewardship and providing more housing, council voted 9-4 to delay the decision.

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