Last Updated on May 12, 2024 by YGK News Staff
Queen’s held a routine live test of their emergency notification systems (ENS) on Thursday afternoon, after a previous test held on May 1 didn’t go according to plan.
The ENS is a PA system with outdoor speakers on top of Humphrey Hall, Chernoff Hall, and Stauffer Library on the main campus, as well as near John Orr Tower on west campus, and on 355 King St West.
Students and staff were informed of the planned test ahead of time, with the following pre-recorded message set to be broadcast after the sound of Westminster chimes:
“Attention: This is a test of the Queen’s emergency notification system. This is only a test. I repeat this is only a test.”
The ENS broadcast message can be heard well beyond Queen’s campus, and so unsuspecting residents were taken by surprise when the wrong message was amplified on May 1.
In a reddit forum dedicated to Kingston, one person said the ENS could be heard as far as the Calvin Park Library area, while another said they could make out “shelter in place” as far as Ontario Street although the full broadcast message was unclear.
On Wednesday, Queen’s once again let students and staff know about a live test planned for Thursday afternoon, along with upgrades being made to the system.
The university said ahead of the test that the ENS installer had assured them that the technical issues leading to the mishap had been addressed.
Thursday’s test of the alert system went according to plan.