HomeLocal NewsAt least 100 partygoers risk having a record following homecoming weekend...

At least 100 partygoers risk having a record following homecoming weekend parties

Kingston Police say that 100 partygoers are at risk of having a record over “disruptive” gatherings that occurred on October 15th and 16th. 

Local police were supported by both the Durham Police and the Ontario Provincial Police OPP but still had difficulty containing crowds, who shifted to multiple locations throughout the weekend. 

“I am strongly condemning the continued aggressive, volatile, and disrespectful behaviour that has been directed at our officers and by-law partners.  It is completely unacceptable,” says Kingston Police Chief Antje McNeely.

There are also 59 individuals who are facing AMP fines worth $2,000 each, 43 of which were for attending, hosting, sponsoring an aggravated nuisance party. Several other fines were also issued over October 15th and 16th.

“We will continue to fine, ticket and penalize anyone who ignores the law,” the mayor added. “If you are a student, you really need to consider how one night of partying and reckless behaviour could affect your future.

Breakdown of Provincial Offences:

33 Open Liquor Charges under the Liquor Licensing Act

28 Public Intoxication Charges

5 Highway Traffic Act Charges

Criminal Charges: 

3 charges for Obstructing a Peace Officer under Section 129 (a) of the Criminal Code


8 for breach of peace

28 for public intoxication

Two incidents continue to be investigated. Police are seeking information on vandalism that occurred to a city bus during the weekend. There was also an assault with a weapon that occurred shortly after 1:00am near victoria park. Anyone with information about this is asked to contact the Kingston Police.

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