HomeLocal NewsCouncil votes yes to housing accelerator unit proposal

Council votes yes to housing accelerator unit proposal

Kingston city council voted to move forward the clause that will sell the properties at 900 Division St. and 33 Compton St. so that the money will be used to create affordable housing units.

This vote came about during the meeting on March 7. Coun. Lisa Ozanic asked several questions, one being how the decision to create only five was chosen.

The recommendation submitted to city council in the report suggest:

  • That council direct staff to list 900 Division St. for sale, with a requirement that the purchaser provides a minimum of five affordable housing units;
  • That council direct staff to list 33 Compton Street for sale for market housing to support a primary objective of the Rideau Heights Regeneration Strategy, which includes introducing market housing in an area of the neighbourhood that is primarily comprised of social housing; 
  • That council delegate authority to the Commissioner of Business, Environment and Projects to execute conditional Agreements of Purchase and Sale for both 33 Compton St. and 900 Division St., each conditional on council’s future approval of the sale;
  • And that council direct staff to advertise both properties as surplus to municipal need in accordance with the Public Notice Policy and to present by-laws to council at a future Council meeting to declare the properties surplus.

Other questions brought forth by council included whether or not specific sites were in mind to create the affordable housing units, and how soon Housing and Social Services would work to make this possible.

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