HomePress ReleaseFollow the journey of the story with this short story writing workshop

Follow the journey of the story with this short story writing workshop

Who better to learn short story writing from than Patricia Robertson, former Kingston Frontenac Public  Library Writer-in-Residence?  

Robertson will lead Sentence by Sentence: the Journey of the Story on Tuesday, November 23 at 7 p.m.  via Zoom. 

If you have no writing experience or are worried that you don’t already have a detailed outline in mind  before you begin writing, that’s not a problem. Learn how the very process of writing can help you  discover what you want to write about. 

“It’s a misnomer to describe writing as ‘discovering what you want to say.’ The fact is that you don’t  know what you want to say in advance of the journey,” explains Robertson. “You’re taking a leap into  the unknown. All you know is what to take with you — your laptop, a cup of coffee, and your imagina tion. Believe it or not, whole novels have been written using this method.  

“As the American novelist E.L. Doctorow said, ‘Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see  as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.’”  

Robertson is an author and editor, and instructor at the University of Winnipeg. She was KFPL’s Writer in-Residence in 2014 and has led many popular writing workshops for the library. 

The workshop is open to anyone 16 or older. Registration opens November 13, and participants can  sign up online at https://calendar.kfpl.ca/event/5801131 or (613) 549-8888. Registrants will be emailed  the link immediately upon registration and will need to download Zoom in advance. 

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